── 張照堂
在這份專號裡,除了回看張照堂跨時代的經典與近期創作,並收錄由藝評家阮慶岳、顧錚與郭力昕執筆的評介專文,以及張照堂與攝影家蕭永盛、學者王雅倫和本刊主編李威儀的長篇對談 ; 同時並以鉛字版復刻上世紀六○年代張照堂發表的劇本文字,和藝術家黃華成當年寫張照堂的嗆辣短文 ; 更首度完整曝光張照堂的札記本,蒐集他自七○年代起書寫的歲月私語與塗鴉。
製作專號之際,台北市立美術館同時舉辦了張照堂第一次的大型回顧展出──「歲月照堂 : 1959-2013 影像展」。以致無論伏於編輯台上,或遊走於美術館展間,皆與歲月盤繞,捲入了時光的渦流。然而在渦流裡,卻又撞見那個苦悶的荒謬的蒼白的無聊的火大的歲月的張照堂在悄悄照相⋯⋯。
Everyone is looking for a direction — people in journals, people in images, people in real life. Everyone is constantly seeking a direction, getting lost in their journey in life and then finding a path along the way.
— Chang Chao-Tang
The suppressed-and-pale-and-bored-and-infuriated Chang Chao-Tang is still moving along this path of seeking, being lost and finding new direction again.
Since embarking onto his artistic pursuits in photography in the late 1950s, Chang has greatly contributed and influenced the Taiwanese photography scene with his boundless creativity, unique perspectives and his inheritance of cultural paradigms. His work marks a significant turning point in the development of Taiwan’s modern photography and the publications and exhibitions that he edited and curated have influenced and inspired Taiwan’s photography scene, both in substance and ideology.
Chang, who is approaching his seventies, has never given up on his dream of having many pairs of eyes; he tries to capture the mysteries of time’s passage though his photography in every conceivable way. In this issue, we respond to the questions he poses, and pay tribute to his photography.
In this special issue, besides looking back at Chang Chao-Tang’s works that have spanned over five decades, VOP has invited critics Roan Ching-Yueh, Gu Zheng and Kuo Li-Hsin to comment on Chang’s work and contributions. We also engaged in an extensive dialogue with photographer Hsiao Yong-Seng, Professor Wang Ya-Lun, VOP editor-in-chief Lee Wei-I and Chang Chao-Tang himself. In addition we have recreated his play scripts and an essay on Chang by artist Huang Hua-Chen published during the 1960s, as well as Chang’s complete set of hand written manuscripts, reflecting his thoughts and feelings in the 1970s.
In this issue of SHOUT, we recreate on paper Chang’s 16mm experimental film, Face in Motion, the agitated face fidgeting on the bottom left as the pages flip past .
We would like to thank Mr. Chang for providing us with his works, journals, books and time. His boundless imagination and black humor often captivate us through conversations and when we read and sorted out his journals. We truly believe that he has the ability to enchant the audience with images that transcend reality even without using photographs as a medium.
As this special issue is being conceptualized and written, Chang’s first major retrospective exhibition — Time : The Images of Chang Chao-Tang, 1959-2013 — is being held at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum; it is all too easy to lose oneself in Time, in Chang’s images, where we seem to catch a glimpse of the suppressed-and-pale-and-bored-and-infuriated Chang Chao-Tang capturing snippets of time.
本期目錄 Contents
● 一張照片,到底要說甚麼?
What is a Photograph Trying To Say?
文|阮慶岳 Text by Roan Ching-Yueh
● 札記(1983)
Notebook (1983)
文|張照堂 Text by Chang Chao-Tang
● 唯烈日不朽(1965)
Only the Sun Never Sets (1965)
文|張照堂 Text by Chang Chao-Tang
● 「操」弄現實成為可「疑(問)」的現實——散漫思緒中的張照堂攝影
From Manipulating Reality to Questioning Reality: Loose Thoughts on The Photography of Chang Chao-Tang
文|顧錚 Text by Gu Zheng
● 溫暖而老成的孩子的目光
Child-Like Gaze of Warmth and Sophistication
文|郭力昕 Text by Kuo Li-Hsin
● 歲月.對談
Dialogue: Time and Timelessness
Chang Chao-Tang / Wang Ya-Lun / Hsiao Yong-Seng / Lee Wei-I
● 另一種遺忘(1994)
Another Gap of Memory (1994)
文|張照堂 Text by Chang Chao-Tang
● 無聊的張照堂(1968)
The Bored Chang Chao-Tang (1968)
文|黃華成 Text by Huang Hua-Chen
● 張照堂書冊編輯與出版紀錄
List of Editorial Books and Publications by Chang Chao-Tang
● 張照堂大事紀
Chang Chao-Tang Chronology