Emerging after the Cultural Revolution, Chinese contemporary photography has more than forty years of history. This exhibition is divided into four sections: “The Rise of Unofficial Photography (1976– 1979)”, “New Wave Photography (1980-1989)”, “Experimental Photography (1990-2006)”, and “The Development of Experimental Photography Organizations (2007-present)”. The exhibition provides a comprehensive overview of the work of important Chinese contemporary photographers from the mid 1970s on, as well as related historical material. The exhibition will be accompanied by an academic catalogue and related symposium, which will further trace the development of contemporary Chinese photography. This special exhibition to commemorate Three Shadows Photography Art Centre’s 10th anniversary is jointly curated by Wu Hung (Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations & Curator at the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago).
中國當代攝影40年 (1976-2017):三影堂10週年特展
40 Years of Chinese Contemporary Photography(1976-2017) :
Three Shadows 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition
展期 Date | 2017.6.28. – 8.27.
地點 Venue | 三影堂攝影藝術中心(北京市朝陽區草場地155A)
Three Shadows Photography Art Centre (155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
3:00pm-4:00pm 對談——巫鴻/顧錚/聞丹青/榮榮
4:15pm 策展人導覽
5:30pm 公眾開幕