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電影導演 / 攝影家何藩辭世

Fan Ho, Approaching Shadow, 1954. Courtesy Blue Lotus Gallery and Consultancy

何藩,1931年出生於上海,14歲生日收到父親贈送的相機後,便開展了他的攝影之路。1949年與家人移居香港,記錄了50、60年代的香港街頭景象。出版有攝影集《Hong Kong Yesterday》、《The Living Theatre》及《A Hong Kong Memoir》等書。


Fan Ho’s photographic career started in Shanghai at the early age of 14 when given his camera for his birthday from his father. In 1949, at the age of 18, Fan Ho’s parents moved to Hong Kong where the young Fan Ho continued pursuing his love for photography. His talent was also spotted by the film industry where he started out as Shaw Brothers actor before moving to film directing until retiring at 75. Fan Ho passed away on 19 June, 2016 in San Jose, California, United States surrounded by his close family.