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標籤: 檔案



是什麼讓攝影擁有召喚「真相」的特權?本書撼動了攝影作為「紀錄」型態的信仰──攝影從不引致真相,而是引致權力。藝術史學家約翰.泰格(John Tagg)洞察攝影所潛藏的種種權力機制,以及隨之建立的意義生產與真相體系。他檢視「攝影史」的隱晦面,論辨自十九世紀以降,「攝影」如何在資本主義與政府職能的擴張下急速發展、如何形成綿密的社會監控與規訓,以及如何為支配階級所需的社會秩序提供服務。

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VOP Issue 30:美援視覺性──農復會影像專題 U.S. Aid Visuality: The JCRR Issue


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【攝影史敘事工作坊 系列一】——重返地景:航遙測影像檔案工作坊


第一場工作坊「航遙測影像檔案工作坊」,由地理學與影像檔案研究者黃同弘打頭陣,從戰後美軍航拍偵察照片,一探台灣最早的航空影像紀錄,並學會運用開放檔案資源、操作歷史GIS系統、Google Earth與地理判讀方法(重要!),從中探尋「台灣影像」的建構歷程。

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VOP Issue 11 : 影像檔案 Image Archives


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攝影之聲 | 雜誌總覽

《Voices of Photography攝影之聲》是一份影像文化獨立刊物。自2011年創刊以來,每期介紹攝影創作,藉由與藝術家、出版人、策展人、藝術機構和相關工作者的對話思辨,以及持續推動影像閱讀、評論與攝影史的書寫,探索攝影的創作概念、文化、歷史與思潮。


Voices of Photography is an independent publication dedicated to image culture. Since its inception in 2011, VOP has been exploring the creative concept, culture, history and philosophy behind photography by featuring photography works, interviews with artists, publishers, curators, art organizations and related professionals, and continually promoting imagery reading, critique, and the writing of photography history.

Paying close attention to the development of photography in Asia, VOP places special importance on inter-Asian connections. By combing through image literature and collating writings through collaborative effort with research scholars, VOP has presented rich and varied features and topics in every issue. At the same time, every issue of “SHOUT”, a series specially created to showcase the works and thoughts of emerging artists and presented in diverse formats, is a unique visual notebook of contemporary art. VOP is also working on putting together archives of creative works and manuscripts of artists, publishing them in special artist issues that feature never-seen-before works for the first time. Now engaging in the publication of written work and criticism through VOP BOOKS, VOP is one of the rare few independent publishers in Taiwan that focuses on photography and visual art, earning the Golden Tripod Awards, the highest honor in Taiwan’s publishing industry.

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