Comments closed由《攝影之聲》策畫並與空總C-LAB共同主辦的「攝影史敘事.亞洲論域系列論壇」,關注台灣與亞洲的攝影史當前研究,聚焦探討攝影在亞洲的發展軌跡、攝影史的當代意義,以及攝影史論的創造性敘事,藉由對亞際地緣與歷史連帶的多元思索,作為理解台灣與亞洲攝影史的參照,同時建立跨國際的研究觀點、經驗及資源的交流。
This series of forums takes a look at current research into the history of photography in Taiwan and Asia, focusing on the development trajectory of photography in Asia, the contemporary significance of the history of photography, and the creative narrative perspective of the historical treatise on photography. A multifaceted reflection of the interregional geographic and historical links serves as an expanded reference in the understanding of photography history in Taiwan and Asia. At the same time, the forum will facilitate the establishment of international exchanges on research perspectives, experiences and resources.
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