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標籤: 攝影之聲



This series of forums takes a look at current research into the history of photography in Taiwan and Asia, focusing on the development trajectory of photography in Asia, the contemporary significance of the history of photography, and the creative narrative perspective of the historical treatise on photography. A multifaceted reflection of the interregional geographic and historical links serves as an expanded reference in the understanding of photography history in Taiwan and Asia. At the same time, the forum will facilitate the establishment of international exchanges on research perspectives, experiences and resources.

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【攝影史敘事工作坊 系列一】——重返地景:航遙測影像檔案工作坊


第一場工作坊「航遙測影像檔案工作坊」,由地理學與影像檔案研究者黃同弘打頭陣,從戰後美軍航拍偵察照片,一探台灣最早的航空影像紀錄,並學會運用開放檔案資源、操作歷史GIS系統、Google Earth與地理判讀方法(重要!),從中探尋「台灣影像」的建構歷程。

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《攝影之聲》游擊編輯台 / 誠品R79


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