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VOP Issue 2 : 暴力 Violence



在這期的《攝影之聲》中,塞爾維亞籍攝影家Boogie,在今年夏天踏進治安惡名昭彰的牙買加首都京斯敦,遊走黑暗之地捕捉氣氛詭譎的社會場景;長駐非洲的義大利攝影記者Martina Bacigalupo,揭露剛果婦女在面對生產照護不足的醫療之外,背後隱藏的性別與國家暴力問題;一般人避之不及的街頭鬥毆,芬蘭攝影師Harri Pälviranta卻在暗夜蒐集、檢視人類原始的拳頭本能;台灣攝影師雍志中以紀錄血脈賁張的放血派對,作為反抗集體價值暴力對個人身體的壓迫;旅日韓國攝影師梁丞佑則觀察新宿歌舞伎町衝突街頭中,生猛的次文化現象。此外,本期的Artist’s Showcase也特別介紹台灣攝影家陳伯義簡單卻富有禪意的石人系列,他以敏銳的觀察力與想像力,發掘了一個幽默的微觀世界。

《攝影之聲》在九月創刊之後,受到許多的鼓勵與支持,對於能與大家一起在攝影出版中開創出一條新的道路,並為我們所喜愛的藝術文化共同努力,實在令人非常興奮 ! 在台灣維持一本另類的小眾刊物並不容易,真的真的很感謝大家的陪伴。


It is not an exaggeration to say that 2011 has been a year of chaos. Many major events happened around the world, including the Tunisian Revolution that resulted in a series of revolutions in the Arab world, the nuclear security problem caused by the Japan earthquake and tsunami in March, the founder and leader of the Al-Qaeda being shot and killed by US Navy and CIA operatives, and the recent news that Muammar Gaddafi was suspected to be abused and killed by the rebels in the civil war in Libya. The world has seen a violent year, shrouded in vengeance and all kinds of environmental, political and social conflicts, but has yet to put an end to the violence.

When the line between the victim and the murderer is gradually being blurred, and the lack of feelings and compassion to the society has become another kind of collective violence, it is hard to give “violence” a clear definition. However, we have used photography as a tool in trying to explore and interpret the different faces of violence.

In this issue of VOP, Serbian photographer Boogie set foot this summer on Kingston, the notorious capital of Jamaica, and captured the dark and unseen sights of the underworld; the Italian photographer Martina Bacigalupo, who is based in Africa, reveals the gender and national violence problem behind the lack of healthcare that Congo women face during pregnancy; Finnish photographer Harri Pälviranta collects sights of the instinctual physical violence present in the street fights that others usually avoid; Taiwanese photographer Yung Chih-Chung rebels against the violence in the mainstream oppression of the bodies of individuals through documenting the intoxicating “bloodletting party”; Japan-based Korean photographer Yang Seungwoo serves the aggressive sub-culture of the street conflicts in the Kabuki-cho in Shinjuku, Japan. Also, this issue of the Artist’s Showcase makes a special introduction of the Taiwanese photographer’s simple and Zen “Stone Age” series, which shows a humorous and profound micro-world that the artist founded using his acute observations and imagination.

本期目錄 Contents


Kingston, Jamaica
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

Wanawake – Being a Woman in Congo
Martina Bacigalupo
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

Harri Pälviranta
訪談|陳依秋 Interview by Chen Yi-Chiu

My Bloody Valentine
雍志中 Yung Chih-Chung

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

歌舞伎町 Kabuki-Cho
梁丞佑 Yang Seungwoo

訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

獨立攝影書庫 Indie Photobooks Library
《Svart Metall》
《Orchard Vol.1》
《First, Jay Comes.》
文|Larissa Leclair Text by Larissa Leclair

文|郭力昕 Text by Kuo Li-Hsin

雙月書記 Book Review
文|顧錚 Text by Gu Zheng

專欄 Column
文|沈昭良 Text by Shen Chao-Liang

Artist’s Showcase

《石人、拾人、時人》Stone Age
陳伯義 Chen Po-I


張蒼松 Chang Tsang-Sang
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I

Mark Pearson
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I


文|陳依秋 Text by Chen Yi-Chiu

文|李威儀 Text by Lee Wei-I

《Still Crazy》
文|李威儀 Text by Lee Wei-I


文|高嘉良 Text by Craig Kao