作為台灣少數持續關注攝影閱讀的獨立刊物,《攝影之聲》在這期特輯裡,將攝影的重要表現媒介 ——「書本」作為主角,論辯當代攝影書在台灣的存在位置與價值,試著為這座擁有24小時書店的閱讀之島,重新定位攝影書的理解座標。
在攝影書特輯中,我們邀集台灣資深影像工作者、藝術家與評論人——張照堂、郭力昕、全會華、林盟山、吳嘉寶——分享他們的攝影閱讀思考、評選他們心中最佳的五本台灣攝影書;同時專訪致力於攝影出版的攝影家沈昭良和《台灣攝影季刊》創辦人蕭永盛,並與年輕創作者申佩玉和nos : books對話,探查他們的出版經驗與想像。藝評人張世倫則以專文論述早年來台宣教的美籍神父傅良圃於1959年出版的《The Face of Taiwan》攝影集,深刻剖析台灣在冷戰時期,攝影與政治的歷史軌跡。此外,本期我們也邀請攝影學者顧錚評選中國攝影書;並專訪美國「獨立攝影書庫」創辦人Larissa Leclair,分享她眼中的當代攝影書出版景觀。
而這期的Artist’s Showcase,一探極具實驗風格、橫跨攝影、動畫、裝置的台灣藝術家高重黎的創作歷程與視覺觀點。我們也訪問了東京都寫真美術館現任首席策展人笠原美智子與資深策展人金子隆一,解析美術館的經營、典藏與策展概念;以及香港國際攝影節策展人黎健強,談香港的攝影發展現況觀察。

An important medium to present photography—books— takes the centre of the stage in this pioneer Special Issue of VOP. As one of the few independent publications in Taiwan that heeds photography literature, we shall explore the place and value of existence of contemporary photobooks in Taiwan, where 24h bookstores and the habit of reading is deeply rooted in the lifestyles of people, and try to redefine the markers with which people have been using to interpret these books.
The history of photobooks in Taiwan can be traced to the 19th century. The purposes of these books varied; some were images documented by foreign missionaries and photographers who came to Taiwan to survey and explore, others were “Shashin-chos” (“photo albums” in Japanese) published during the Japanese colonial period to showcase economic and political results or to introduce places and cultures in Taiwan; nowadays, photobooks even became a form of artistic creation and expression. As publishing and concepts about photography evolved, photobooks now exist beyond visual documents of the photographer or historical records of the society– they are also independent narratives, as well as fruits of the artists’ visual thinking processes.
In this issue, we invite experienced photographers, artists and critiques — Chang Chao-Tang, Kuo Li-Hsin, Suan Hooi-Wah, Lin Meng-Shan, Wu Jia-Bao — to share their book lists, and to choose the top five titles which they think are the best in Taiwan. Besides special interviews with photographer Shen Chao-Liang and the founder of Taiwan Photography Quarterly Hsiao Yong Seng, who are dedicated in their efforts in photography publications, we also dialogue with young artists like Son Ni and Shen Pei-Yu to understand their publishing experiences and visions. On top of that, art critique Shih-Lun Chang examines in his essay the photobook The Face of Taiwan, published by an Amercian missionary Fred Foley in 1959, and explores in detail the relics of the relationship between photography and politics during the Cold War era. In addition to featuring the photobooks in Taiwan, we also invite Professor Gu Zheng to pick out photobooks from China from an academic point of view, as well as Larissa Leclair, the founder of Indie Photobook Library, to share with us the outlook of contemporary photobook publishing.

The Artist’s Showcase explores Taiwanese artist Kao Chung-Li’s works, his experiences and his visual stands. His works are highly experimental and cover a wide range of media, including photography, animation and installation art. There is also an interview with experienced curators of Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Michiko Kasahara、Ryuichi Kaneko, to understand the processes behind running an art museum, acquisition of artifacts and planning for exhibitions. Another interview is with Edwin Lai Kin Keung, curator of Hong Kong International Photo Festival, about his observations in the development of photography in Hong Kong.
For this issue of VOP, we spent great efforts in research and dug deep to look for publications that are out of print. If we had taken a photograph of ourselves during the countdown to 2013, it would have been us buried under stacks of books. We would like to show our deepest gratitude to all who have helped us in this quest of uncovering this piece of history in photography in Taiwan, as well as friends and readers who continued to give us support and encouragement. Even though photobook publication has not been exactly a thriving market in Taiwan, it is certainly not an easy task to research on this topic. We hope this special issue on the exploration of contemporary photobooks in Taiwan would spark our readers off to delve further into the literature of photography.
: booksと対談し、彼らの出版経験と想像について探った。芸術評論家張世倫は早期に台湾に宣教にきたアメリカ人神父傅良圃が1959年に出版した写真集『The Face of Taiwan』についての論考で、冷戦期における台湾の写真と政治の歴史の軌跡を分析している。またこの他に、写真の学者顧錚による中国の写真集品評、アメリカ「indie Photobook Library」設立者Larissa Leclairへのインタビューを収録しており、後者では彼女が見る現代写真本出版のありようについて語ってもらった。
今回のArtist’s Showcaseでは、実験的なスタイルを持ち、写真、アニメーション、インスタレーションの異なるメディアを使う台湾アーティスト高重黎の創作プロセスや視点について扱った。また東京都写真美術館首席キューレーターの笠原美智子、同美術館キューレーター金子隆一にインタビューし、美術館の経営、コレクション、キューレーションの概念について分析した。また香港国際写真祭キュレーター黎健強には香港の写真シーンの発展の現況について語ってもらった。
本期目錄 Contents
● 攝影閱讀的復興:台灣攝影書的時代樣貌切片
The Revival of Photography Literature: Contemporary Taiwan Photobook Lists
張照堂 Chang Chao-Tang
郭力昕 Kuo Li-Hsin
全會華 Suan Hooi-Wah
林盟山 Lin Meng-Shan
吳嘉寶 Wu Jia-Bao
● Case Study
沈昭良 Shen Chao-Liang
蕭永盛 Hsiao Yong-Seng
申佩玉 Shen Pei-Yu
訪談|李威儀 Interview by Lee Wei-I
● 冷戰、攝影,與政治想像──傅良圃攝影集《The Face of Taiwan》
文|張世倫 Text by Chang Shih-Lun
● 雙月書記 Book Review
文|顧錚 Text by Gu Zheng
● 獨立攝影書庫 Indie Photobooks Library
個人出版的二次浪潮──專訪「獨立攝影書庫」Larissa Leclair
The Second Wave of Self-Publishing – Interview with Larissa Leclair
訪談|Tom Griggs Interview by Tom Griggs
Artist’s Showcase
高重黎 Kao Chung-Li
訪談|林心如、李威儀 Interview by Sylvie Lin, Lee Wei-I
東京都寫真美術館策展人 笠原美智子 Michiko Kasahara
訪談|石塚洋介、李威儀 Interview by Ishizuka Yosuke, Lee Wei-I
東京都寫真美術館策展人 金子隆一 Ryuichi Kaneko
訪談|石塚洋介 Interview by Ishizuka Yosuke
香港國際攝影節策展人 黎健強 Edwin Lai
訪談|李威儀、石塚洋介 Interview by Lee Wei-I, Ishizuka Yosuke
《Back Yard》
文|陳含瑜 Text by Chen Han-Yu
《The Moon, Following Me》
文|李威儀 Text by Lee Wei-I
Tokyo Photo 2012
文|石塚洋介 Text by Ishizuka Yosuke
文|陳含瑜 Text by Chen Han-Yu