Comments closed2011年冬天的一個午後,我和陳順築約好見面,我們在台北長安西路上的一家地下室咖啡館坐了下來,對面的台北當代藝術館正在舉行他的個展。話匣子打開,我們聊到夜幕低垂才離去。這段訪談後來整理並收錄在隔年一月發行的VOP第三期裡。
One winter afternoon in 2011, I met up with Chen Shun-Chu in a Taipei cafe on Chang-an West Road. His solo exhibition was then on-going in the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei opposite the cafe. We chatted till late in the night. The interview was later published in the 3rd issue of VOP the next year.
Chen learnt about his cancer and quit the teaching profession that he had been in for 22 years. In these two years, he had been trying to fight the illness. We visited him and saw his frame becoming frail; his eyes seemed even deeper and larger as his body became thinner. He expressed that the illness had made him realize all the more that life is extremely short, and that he might not be able to hang on to a lot of things, but not art. He still had a lot of ideas about artistic creations, but time was against him……
His last Facebook status update in Sep 2014 was a photograph of a back shot, looking over the sea from a high fence. A month later, he passed away in his dreams,bringing with him all his memories and love of his motherland, setting off to an even greater height to gaze at the sea.
We extracted this from a conversation that is more than 3 years old which was featured in an out-of-print issue of VOP – re-published in this issue alongside letters to Chen Shun-Chu from artists Chen Chieh-Jen and Yao Jui-Chung, as well as some of his drawings and words from a huge stack of personal notebooks he’s kept since 1989 which he lent us. He said that these memos were an artist’s dreams: some were jokes, some were serious……
In memory of Chen Shun-Chu.
作者: VOP
In contemporary art, photographical elements are often integrated into installation works or being used as a means of archiving. VOP interviewed Anselm Franke, curator of the Taipei Biennial 2012 to talk about the topic of the biennial, ‘Modern Monsters / Death and Life of Fiction’ and specific photographic works that will be shown in the exhibition.
閱讀 ReadMonster, History, Fiction : Interview with Anselm Franke, Curator of the Taipei Biennial 2012
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Comments closed長久以來,攝影為記憶留下了證據。當生命歷程中獲得重視的片段成為了照片,作為抗拒時光流動而拋下的錨,攝影便順理成章地宣告為記憶的某種代表,從一種觀看的方式,壟斷了記憶,甚而取代了記憶本身,樹立了我們對於影像的信仰。但記憶若成為攝影,攝影如何成為記憶?這次我們介紹注視記憶並挖掘記憶樣貌的藝術家,從他們的作品與對話中,辨證記憶與攝影的關係。
Comments closed攝影的觀看,投射出人們對於世界的想像。我們依賴攝影去觀察世界,但世界其實並不在照片之中。我們拍下了外在的事物,實際上看到的卻是內在的風景。這次我們將看看攝影創作者的景物視野與關切。
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