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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲 Posts





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ϟϟ SHOUT特輯 IV ϟϟ

SHOUT是《攝影之聲》出版的一份不定型特輯系列,本輯內含三份影像讀物,收錄Su Misu、林建文及吳美琪的作品,關於他們與對象之間的綑縛、疊映與組構……

SHOUT is a special issue series published by Voices of Photography with no stylistic limitations. This issue contains three image compilations by Su Misu, Lin Chien-Wen and Wu Mei-Chi, depicting the binding, layering and weaving of images and the objects in them…

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VOP期間限定店開張 ! Pop-up Bookshop Taipei!

VOP的第一間期間限定店Pop-up bookshop開張了 ! 我們現在在台北公館的誠品書店裡以店中店形式現身,這裡可以找得到所有(還能供應的)VOP出版品,並一次展示了歷來隨附於雜誌裡所有的SHOUT小冊系列喔(原來這份附錄小冊已經做了十幾刊啦!)走過路過不要錯過,我們今天起在這裡紮營到跨年,並將在此推出新刊和新書(眼冒金星中✨)!

VOP 期間限定書店 Pop-up Bookshop
日期 Dates | 2019.11.05-2020.01.01
時間 Time | 周一至周日 Mon.-Sun. 10am-11pm
地點 Venue | 誠品台大店 Eslite NTU branch(map

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後藤由美 ⦿ 影像敘事製本工作坊

由《攝影之聲》策畫並與空總臺灣當代文化實驗場共同主辦的「歷史後像:攝影史敘事工作坊」,是一系列由藝術家與影像研究者帶領、以「影像-歷史-創作」意識為出發的工作坊。「影像敘事製本工作坊」為此系列之五。本工作坊源自日本東京由後藤由美主持的「Reminders Photography Stronghold」製書工作坊,其所孕生的影像書寫創作與藝術家手工書,近年頗受國際矚目。此工作坊嘗試培養並激盪影像創作者進行圖片編輯與裝幀設計的觀念及實作能力,重視運用攝影與紙本書的複合表現敘事。本工作坊將透過為期八天密集的實作課程,為影像敘事方法帶來更多靈感與刺激。

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This series of forums takes a look at current research into the history of photography in Taiwan and Asia, focusing on the development trajectory of photography in Asia, the contemporary significance of the history of photography, and the creative narrative perspective of the historical treatise on photography. A multifaceted reflection of the interregional geographic and historical links serves as an expanded reference in the understanding of photography history in Taiwan and Asia. At the same time, the forum will facilitate the establishment of international exchanges on research perspectives, experiences and resources.

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